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Did you know that you can use Panorama 7 to add crossfeed to a headphone mix, similar to what high-end amplifiers use?

Panorama 7 simplifies this process with an excellent in-the-box crossfeed. By selecting the "Hdphs - stereo monitor dry" preset, you can achieve a 30-degree front speaker arrangement with crossfeed and Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs). Adjusting the speaker width is trivially done via Panorama's width parameter. If you want to add room reverberation, select the "Hdphs - stereo monitor studio" preset, which enables reflections and reverberation. To enhance authenticity and spatial perception, simulating your personal listening space can be beneficial. To do this take some time to design the desired room by tweaking the dimensions and materials in the reflections section and combine this with a late reverb profile. Refer to the manual for a more comprehensive understanding of both sections.

Crossfeed aims to replicate how sound naturally reaches the ears in a room, considering three primary factors:

1. Time Delay: In real-world scenarios, sound from a speaker on one side of the listener reaches the opposite ear with a slight delay due to the distance between ears. This interaural time delay is an important sound localization cue.

2. Level difference: Due to shadowing by the head, sounds reaching the opposite ear are reduced in intensity.

3. Spectral variation: High-frequency sounds are more affected by reflection and diffraction by the head and hence the level difference is greater at high frequencies. Additionally there is frequency dependent variation due to reflection and diffraction by the outer ear (pinna). Both the frequency dependent head shadowing and the spectral variation are replicated by using Head Related Transfer Functions.

Panorama also simulates room environments by replicating a spatialized reflection off each wall, and combining this with late diffuse reverberation.

By combining all these elements, Panorama aims to achieve a natural and immersive headphone listening experience, alleviating the sensation of sound confinement and enhancing the perception of a broader, more realistic spatial environment.