Real Spaces Arenas and Stadiums

Impulse responses from large spaces

Real Spaces Arenas and Stadiums screeshot

The Arenas and Stadiums Library features impulse response (IR) files measured in large spaces, from gymnasiums to arenas to pro football stadiums. Can be used for voice over PA simulation, or Foley work. It includes responses made with a variety of microphone techniques and placement. This collection provides 71 IRs totaling 219 MB.

$40.00 $20.00

Real Spaces Arenas and Stadiums is included in Real Spaces Complete

  • Real Spaces Churches and Halls: Impulse responses from cathedrals, churches, and small halls
  • Real Spaces Arenas and Stadiums: Impulse responses from large spaces
  • Real Spaces Rooms: Impulse responses from small intimate spaces
  • Real Spaces Outside: Impulse responses from the great outdoors
  • Real Spaces Diverse: Impulse responses from unusual spaces
  • Real Spaces Space: Impulse responses from Kennedy Space Center