Version History

  • MultiDynamics 7.05

    • Don't write SC Monitor parameter when switching bands, unless SC Monitor is enabled, this prevents unnecessary automation writes
  • Dialog 2.11

    • Fix text entry bug on Windows introduced in 2.10, key strikes were duplicated
    • Text entry edits properly recorded as automation
    • EQ plot crops at Nyquist freq for low sampling rates
  • Power Suite 6.19

    • Fix text entry bug on Windows introduced in 6.18, key strikes were duplicated
    • Text entry edits properly recorded as automation
  • TrackPlug 6.19

    • EQ plot crops at Nyquist freq for low sampling rates
    • Gate knee control point allows vertical drag for gain change
  • Convology XT 1.33

    • Fix licensing issue on Windows where license directory not created
    • Clean up duplicate library timeout warnings
  • MR Click 6.10

    • Fix Windows build bug, MR Click iLok wrapper was looking for MR Gate license
  • Convology XT 1.32

    • Implement library demo times
    • Register option hides "get free serial" option if plug is already registered
  • MlsTool 1.0.5

    • Fixed code signing on Mac, audio-input entitlement now added properly
  • Sofa2Pan 1.01

    • Fixed bug which caused ipsi/contra reversal when receiver 0 was right ear.
    • Fixed ITD estimation errors with short IRs, e.g. 128 points at 96 kHz.
    • Intermediate output directories are now properly created.
    • Added red/orange/green text for errors/warnings/success in console.
  • FinalPlug 7.01

    • Initial release
  • MlsTool 1.0.4

    • MacOS: fix code signing which was inadvertently busted.
    • MacOS: enable hardened runtime.
    • MacOS: now distributed as a package installer in DMG file, notarized.
  • MultiDynamics 7.04, Panorama 7.06

    • Fix crash in Logic running on Apple Silicon when attempting to register from expiration window
    • Fix bug that caused plug to un-bypass when opening GUI window
    • MacOS installers now delete previously installed AAX plug prior to install
    • Internal updates: Juce 7.0.6, Pace Eden 5.8.1, Xcode 14.1, AAX SDK 2.5.1
    • MacOS requirement now 10.13
    • PN7: fix width parameter automation, wasn't working when in polar mode
  • Power Suite 6 .18, Master Restoration Suite 6.09, Convology XT 1.30, Tube Saturator Vintage 1.10, Tube Saturator 2.17, Dialog 2.10

    • Fix crash in Logic running on Apple Silicon when attempting to register from expiration window.
    • MacOS installers now delete previously installed AAX plug prior to install
    • Internal updates: Juce 7.0.6, Pace Eden 5.8.1, Xcode 14.1, AAX SDK 2.5.1
    • MacOS requirement now 10.13
  • MlsTool 1.0.3

    • Supports up to 16 playback and recording channels
    • Added ASIO driver support on Windows
    • Added Apple Silicon support for Mac OS, i.e., universal binary
  • Panorama 7.05

    • Added information bar showing help tips, which can be enabled/disabled in preferences
    • Enabled Doppler in most factory presets, removed Doppler Space preset
    • Initial click on text edit field selects text
  • MultiDynamics 7.03

    • Fix spectrum display bug
    • Improve Dialog NR preset
  • MultiDynamics 7.02, Panorama 7.04

    • Fix issue where user presets not saved after importing legacy presets
    • Panorama now has more UI scaling options
  • ConvologyXT 1.29

    • Add option to get free serial in registration dialog
    • Tools now includes Unregister option to unregister plugin and libraries
    • Registration timeout popup has option to skip all libraries
  • Tube Saturator Vintage 1.09

    • Add option to get free serial in registration dialog
    • Tools now includes Unregister option, not really needed for TSV though
  • MultiDynamics 7.01, Panorama 7.03

    • License popups appear after UI is drawn, fixes problem with Logic Pro on MacOS Ventura
    • Support Pro Tools Ctrl+Command clicks on knobs and texts for automation shortcuts
  • Power Suite 6.17, Master Restoration Suite 6.08, Dialog 2.09

    • Implement Unregister option to delete license and return authorization to server
    • Support Pro Tools Ctrl+Command clicks on knobs and texts for automation shortcuts
    • Provide VST2 installation option on Windows
  • MultiDynamics 7.00

    • Initial release
  • ConvologyXT 1.28

    • Preferences window always on top, fixes issue where it could open behind plug
    • Knob drag mode updates properly after preferences closed
  • Power Suite 6.16, Master Restoration Suite 6.07, Dialog 2.08, Tube Saturator 2.16, Tube Saturator Vintage 1.08

    • License popups don't appear until after UI is drawn, this fixes various problems with plugs getting stuck when they open and popup an alert about a license timeout.
    • Parameter text entry now supports tabbing to next field, Shift-tab to previous field
  • ConvologyXT 1.27

    • License popups don't appear until after editor has completely drawn, fixes issues with Logic Pro on Ventura
    • Fixed bug in image processing thread that was needlessly consuming CPU
    • Restored AIF format support which was inadvertently disabled
    • Restored Real Spaces responses in Factory Library which were missing from v1.26
    • Factory Library now licenses with all library serials, manifest was missing Real Spaces and True Stereo 4
  • Panorama 7.02

    Fix issue where the output gain text value would get keyboard focus when using controls. Now you must click on a text field to edit. Once editing you can TAB to advance to next field, type ESC or ENTER or click on panel background to end editing.

  • Tube Saturator 2.15

    Breaking change. This Windows-only release changes the VST3 identifier so it is cross-platform compatible with Mac TS2, and compatible with Win TS2 2.11. However, Windows projects using VST3 TS2 2.13 and 2.14 will not load after installing 2.15. Win TS2 2.14 can be found in the Archive section. See this FAQ for more information.

  • Power Suite 6.15, Master Restoration Suite 6.06, Dialog 2.07

    • Fix issue where clicking on controls causes the first parameter text entry field to receive keyboard focus. It is now required to click on a text entry field to enter text. To exit text entry, press TAB or ESC, or click on unused UI panel. TAB no longer advances to the next text entry.
  • Sofa2Pan 1.0.0

    Initial release

  • Panorama 7.01

    Initial release

  • Power Suite 6.14, Master Restoration Suite 6.05, ConvologyXT 1.26, Dialog 2.06, Tube Saturator 2.14, Tube Saturator Vintage 1.07

    • Supports iLok licensing on Apple Silicon
    • Supports AAX format on Apple Silicon
    • Enable parameter hidden from automation in favor of Bypass
    • Internal updates: Juce 6.1.6, AAX SDK 2.4.1, Pace Eden 5.6.3
    • PowerSuite installers force proper folder permissions on Mac
    • Parameter text entry now properly limited (fixes negative ratio bug in TP6)
    • Updated some parameter text conversion in PN6
  • Master Restoration Suite 6.04

    • Fixed latency reporting
  • Tube Saturator Vintage 1.06

    • Apple M1 support: AU and VST3 formats have ARM/x86 universal binaries
    • GUI scaling option
    • Dark theme in menus and dialogs
    • User preset manager to rename, delete, and organize presets
    • Update registration server URL

    Breaking change. Not compatible with earlier versions of TSV saved in Pro Tools sessions. See this FAQ entry.

  • ConvologyXT 1.25

    • Factory Library includes 7 Real Spaces IRs
    • Factory Library images resized to reduce installer size
    • Entering Complete serial in initial timeout popup properly registers all child libraries
    • When using cloned drives, only one copy of each library will appear in preset browser
    • File browser searches for matching images in current directory, and subdirectories “images”, “00 DEFAULT IMAGES”, “00 DEFAULT PICTURES”, and if not found repeats search up two parent directories
    • Image pane loads image in background thread, enabling faster scrolling in preset browser
    • About box uses reduced font sizes if too many libraries to fit
    • About box lists libraries in sorted order
    • License expired popups show after GUI has drawn
    • Plug-in will license with any Real Spaces library serial
  • ConvologyXT 1.24

    • Added Mono Input control to pan input to center prior to reverb processing
    • Supports user provided images
    • Added preset import and preset export commands
    • Supports preset rename
    • Supports custom library install directory via preference setting
    • Fixed some preset bugs
    • Auto reloads preset after licensing library
    • Mouse-over on browser directory shows tooltip with full pathname
    • Improved demo timeout message
    • Shows error message if error writing license file
  • TrackPlug 6.13

    • Fix EQ bug which could cause click when processing with small block sizes
    • Clicking on dynamics meter selects corresponding dynamics tab
  • ConvologyXT 1.23

    • Fix issue with preset changing when UI is opened
    • New installs have preference “change preset on category change” set to off
    • Fix issue with user presets not saved when using multiple instances
    • Libraries are sorted alphabetically
  • TubeSaturator 2.13

    • Adding user interface scaling feature
    • Apple M1 support: AU and VST3 formats have ARM/x86 universal binaries
    • Dropping 32-bit and VST2 on Mac
    • MacOS installer notarized
    • Dark theme in menus and dialogs
    • Update from Juce 4 to Juce 6
    • Value popups now shown on mouse hover over knob (previously shown only when changing value)
    • Cleaned up generic parameter interfaces
  • MlsTool 1.0.2

    • Initial release
  • TrackPlug 6.12

    • Fix EQ Bypass control
  • Power Suite 6.11, Master Restoration Suite 6.03, Dialog 2.05

    • Fix crash in Adobe Premiere Pro when exporting, VST3 format
    • Cleanup generic UIs, remove double unit display
  • ConvologyXT 1.22

    • True Stereo status item and popup menu
    • Recognizes True Stereo licenses
    • Factory library includes True Stereo samples
    • Default True Stereo format is LL, LR, RL, RR
  • Dialog 2.04

    • Apple M1 support: AU and VST3 formats have ARM/x86 universal binaries
    • GUI scaling now scales dialog windows too
    • AAX format now supports GUI scaling
    • Restored VST2 support on Windows
    • same minor updates as in PS6 6.10
  • ConvologyXT 1.21 Mac

    • Apple M1 support: AU and VST3 formats have ARM/x86 universal binaries
    • User preset browser font uses italic typeface instead of style flags, fixes user preset display problems
    • Add alternate short names for AAX format
  • Power Suite 6.10

    • Apple M1 support: AU and VST3 formats have ARM/x86 universal binaries
    • GUI scaling now scales dialog windows too
    • AAX format now supports GUI scaling
    • Update from Juce 5.4.5 to Juce 6.0.5
    • MD6: fix band enable max value (showed duplicate in generic GUIs)
    • MD6: thumbwheel controls now respond to fine tune modifiers (SHIFT, Command, or right-click)
    • MV6: preference to lock wet/dry and output gain control, so you can set 100% wet on master bus and preset changes don’t reset it.
    • All PS6 plug installers set permissions on WA directories to resolve registration issues
    • Added thread locks to allow effect recreation while GUI open
    • AAX AudioSuite effects now come up un-bypassed
    • Add alternate short names for AAX format
    • Improved logic when plugs first opened, no longer show “Default*” as first preset
    • Storing dSYM files from Mac builds and PDBs from Win builds for crash forensic analysis
    • Added LogFlushLevel property for debugging
  • Master Restoration Suite 6.02

    • Apple M1 support: AU and VST3 formats have ARM/x86 universal binaries
    • GUI scaling now scales dialog windows too
    • AAX format now supports GUI scaling
    • Same minor updates as in PS6 6.10
  • ConvologyXT 1.21 Win

    • Adds user interface scaling feature
    • Fix major problems with hosts when using non-English localization settings
    • Fix preset load issues when opening UI due to erroneous category change
    • Updated framework from Juce5 to Juce6
    • Proper normalization for True Stereo files
    • Fix possible crash when stretching mono IRs
    • User presets saved in one instance now show up properly in another instance
  • Power Suite 6.09

    • Add UI scaling option for AU and VST3 formats
    • New preferences dialog


    • Add prefs option for individual EQ band coloring, ala Dialog
  • Master Restoration Suite 6.01

    • Add UI scaling option for AU and VST3 formats
    • New preferences dialog
  • Dialog 2.03

    • Add UI scaling option for AU and VST3 formats
    • New preferences dialog
  • TrackPlug 6.08

    • Fix dynamics mode popups, enable vintage modes for compressors
    • Support numeric keypad entry on Mac
  • Master Restoration Suite 6.00

    • Initial MRS v6 release
    • MacOS Catalina supported. Plug-ins work on latest Mac DAWs such as Logic 10.5, Cubase 10, WaveLab 10, Premiere 2020, and Audition 2020
    • MacOS installers are properly notarized
    • Adding VST3 support. MRS 6 supports VST3, AU, and AAX (native) formats
    • Dropping support for VST2, DX, MAS, RTAS, and 32-bit builds on MacOS, 32-bit VST3 is supported on Windows
    • Only 64-bit formats are supported on MacOS
    • AAX formats support Wave Arts licensing, i.e., Pace/iLok no longer required for AAX; choose Pace/iLok or Wave Arts licensing for all formats
    • Improved Wave Arts licensing, enter serial number directly into plug-in
    • User preset manager to rename, delete, and organize presets
    • New dark theme in menus and dialogs
  • ConvologyXT 1.20

    • Fix registration bug where “registration successful” but library still not licensed
    • Added preferences option to disable mono layouts
    • User manual installed properly on Mac
    • Properly support IR filenames with non-ASCII characters on Windows
    • IR filenames with non-ASCII characters display properly in status bar
    • Updated framework from Juce4 to Juce5, should fix A/B compare crash in Cubase/VST3
    • Fix crash when stretch factor very close to 1.0
    • Mac installer is notarized, all binaries signed
    • Improvements to Win thread priority logic, should fix clicks on Win using ASIO with 128-sample buffers
    • Dark theme for dialogs
    • MacOS: drop support for 32-bit builds, requires MacOS 10.11 or greater
  • Power Suite 6.07

    • Clicks on background end text editing, like ESC and Enter
    • Improved internal bypass/enable logic


    • Fix issue where Plate algorithm can be muted after browsing through presets
    • Tighten font kerning to match other plugs
    • Fix time display w.r.t. early/late parameter
  • Dialog 2.02

    • Fix issues with denoise learn logic
    • Fix crash detected by pluginval when parameters changing during effect re-creation
    • Redraw denoise display when changing disp mode
  • Dialog 2.01

    • Initial Dialog 2 release
  • Power Suite 6.06

    • Mac installers install PS6 manual in individual plug-in directories
    • Mac PN6 installer installs CIPIC HRTFs
    • Mac and Win plug-ins find PS6 manual in individual plug-in directories
    • Mac and Win plug-ins should all open User Manual correctly
  • Power Suite 6.05

    • MD6 properly implements bypass delay to match latency
    • MD6 has proper gesture tracking for threshold GUI control
    • MD6 Mac installer writes proper Wave Arts folder permissions
    • FP6 and TP6 sliders implement fine-tune mode when right-clicking or SHIFT-clicking
    • TP6 has improved logic for setting initial EQ band, previously would crash if plug-in state saved with no EQ bands enabled
    • TP6 implements alt-mouse drags to affect EQ bandwidth
    • PN6 properly loads user presets for Direct, Reflections, and Reverb sections
    • MV6 implements denormalized number prevention logic
    • Fixed license manager bug: license file properly truncated when adding multiple licenses
    • Added VST logo and trademark to manual
  • Power Suite 6.04

    • MD5 reports proper latency when bypassed
    • License manager creates new license file if license file corrupted
    • PS6 manual update
    • FP6 input and output right channel meters off by one pixel
    • Implement PS5 and PS4 preset import converters, all plugs
    • Add User Preset Manager to section preset menus
    • PS6 Installers copy PS6 manual to individual plug directories, like individual plugs, Mac and Win
    • PS6 installers install Panorama HRTFs, Mac and Win
    • Win uninstallers leave license files
  • Power Suite 6.03

    • Fix bug in registration, all plugs
    • Fix bug in EQ logic on Mac when using small block sizes (32, 64, or 128 samples), TrackPlug and MasterVerb
    • Fix bug in TrackPlug external sidechain when switching dynamics types
    • TrackPlug, FinalPlug, and MultiDynamics now apply delay when bypassed to match reported latency
    • Bypass parameter linked with host, all plugs
    • PowerSuite installers now install user manual properly
  • Power Suite 6.02

    • Initial Power Suite 6 release
    • MacOS Catalina and Mojave supported; plug-ins work on latest Mac DAWs such as Cubase 10, WaveLab 10, Premiere 2020, and Audition 2020
    • MacOS installers are properly notarized
    • Adding VST3 support. Power Suite 6 supports VST3, AU, and AAX (native) formats
    • Dropping support for VST2, DX, MAS, RTAS, AAX DSP, and 32-bit builds on Mac OS-X. 32-bit VST3 is supported on Windows
    • Only 64-bit formats are supported on MacOS
    • AAX formats support Wave Arts licensing, i.e., Pace/iLok no longer required for AAX; choose Pace/iLok or Wave Arts licensing for all formats
    • AAX formats no longer have confusing reduced feature configurations needed for AAX DSP
    • Improved Wave Arts licensing, enter serial number directly into plug-in
    • User preset manager to rename, delete, and organize presets
    • TrackPlug implements external sidechain input for all formats; there is no more TrackPlug ExtSC variation
    • New dark theme in menus and dialogs
    • Version numbers on Mac are properly reported in Get Info (plist files set correctly)
  • ConvologyXT 1.18

    • Fix bug in file browser; go up button not displaying
    • Fix true stereo parameter initialization bug
    • Process small block partitions in main DSP thread
    • Added lots of internal timing and logging to debug performance
    • Fix crash in license manager when receiving empty response
    • Automatically add XL bundles to libraries
    • Update signing certificate, use SHA256
    • Implement various threading options
    • Deployment target MacOS 10.8
    • Fix channel bug when processing mono but with stereo or quad IR file
  • ConvologyXT 1.16

    • Fix “Vintage German DSPs” name error also found in the factory library manifest
    • License manager now displays name of library product being registered, instead of “Convology XT”
  • ConvologyXT 1.15

    • Trim whitespace from serial in license manager dialog
    • Fix Vintage German DSP license name issue
    • Flush denorms in background DSP processing threads – possible fix for CPU issue
  • ConvologyXT 1.14

    • Reduce demo time to 7 days
    • Flush denorms in processing thread – possible fix for CPU issue
  • ConvologyXT 1.12

    • Initial ConvologyXT release
  • Tube Saturator Vintage 1.05

    • Miscellaneous updates, supports universal license
  • Tube Saturator 2.12

    • Mac plug-in and installer have updated Apple certificates
  • Tube Saturator Vintage 1.04

    • Mac plug and installer has updated Apple certificate
  • Tube Saturator Vintage 1.03

    • Initial Tube Saturator Vintage release
  • Tube Saturator 2.11

    • AAX format no longer requires Pace/iLok licensing. The installers give user the option of using either WA or Pace licensing for AU/VST2/VST3 and AAX formats.
    • Fixed a bug in UI code that could cause knobs to display incorrectly, or could cause crash, when multiple instances were in use.
    • Low level parameter code rewritten, fixes clicks that were possible when enabling/disabling sections.
    • When demo mode has expired, the preset display will show “demo expired” and the bypass button will be lit. A helpful tooltip message will indicate that registration is required.
  • Tube Saturator 2.10

    • Code rewrite using JUCE application framework
    • Provides Wave Arts licensing option using convenient online activation
    • Pace/iLok licensing is used for AAX format and is optionally available for VST/AU formats, as before
    • Now supports VST3 format. Supports VST2, VST3, AAX, and AU (Mac only) formats, 32 and 64-bit
    • New user preset manager facilitates naming and organization of user presets
    • New preferences manager allows setting of knob drag style and optional knob value popops
    • New installers for Mac and Windows with simplified options
    • DC-offset of saturation section is now filtered